Recent am descoperit un articol tare interesant pe (unul din blogurile mele preferate).
Subiectul il reprezinta acei indivizi din mediul corporate care ajung sa fie promovati pe posturi manageriale in ciuda tendintelor sociopate (datorita unor obiceiuri organizationale care faciliteaza acest lucru precum prioritizarea senioritatii in firma in fata aptitudinilor samd)....din pacate, mie imi suna mai cunoscuta problema decat autorului articolului care declara ca "I can’t say I came across behaviors as those stated in the document".

Manifestarile acestor indivizi sunt foarte interesante (citez din articol):

It seems these individuals are “emotionally detached”, as well as “impulsive and irresponsible”. They usually fit well in positions were goals are abstracted, usually “overseeing” or “managing” processes.

The study shows these people are bound to bully colleagues and strongly defend their positions, usually when a challenger appears.

They tend to have subjective view of matters and whilst still managing to get the job done the “authoritarian and task-centered management style” pushes valuable people away. “The Peter Principle” (as in Peter and Hull, authors of … well … the principle) states that these managers are promoted “one or more levels beyond their optimum level of competence”.

Studiul complet poate fi gasit aici si contine niste recomandari foarte interesante pentru a evita acest gen de promovari precum codul valorilor aplicat de Amex in acest scop :

  • Integrity – uphold the highest standards of integrity in all of our actions.
  • Respect for people – value our people. Encourage development. Reward performance.
  • Personal accountability – be personally accountable for delivering on our commitment.
  • Teamwork – we work together across boundaries.
  • Good citizenship – we are good citizens in the communities in which we live and work.
  • Customer commitment – develop relationships that make a positive difference in our customers’ lives.
  • Quality – provide outstanding products and unsurpassed service.
  • Will to win – demonstrate a strong will to win in the market place and in every aspect of our business.
Impresionant prin simplitate,logica si de bun simt, nu? A se nota ca pentru a functiona, valorile unei companii trebuie materializate in exemple comportamentale nu doar declarate in prezentarile de la inceputul fiecarui an fiscal :)

Poate la prima vedere nu pare atat de important ca acest gen de comportament sa fie evitat.
In fond, se zice destul de clar ca acest indivizi "still manage to get the job done" .

Acum cativa ani, as fi fost de parere ca scopul scuza mijloacele si anumite lucruri pot fi tolerate cata vreme nu exista probleme majore.Intre timp mi-am mai schimbat opiniile.

In sprijinul noii viziuni, am gasit un alt articol foarte util pe alt blog din topul preferatelor mele The Bad Apple: Group Poison
Pe scurt - niste studii au demonstrat influenta puternica a unui singur membru al unui grup asupra celorlalti din grup in conditiile in care acesta manifesta o atitudine negativa (fie lipsa de respect, lipsa de incredere, comoditate sau indiferenta fata de munca). Aceasta influenta poate fi echilibrata doar de un lider puternic pozitiv, dar ce se intampla cand "the bad apple" e chiar liderul?