Cum sa angajezi un manager
Pe acelasi blog care daduse lista caracteristicilor unui programator bun, am gasit si un articol similar referitor la manageri.
Mi s-a parut foarte interesant, mai ales referinta spre acest articol care ilustreaza printr-un exemplu foarte simpatic neajunsurile procesului de angajare.
Si cred ca cel putin in RO, profesionistii de resurse umane specializati pe recrutare ar avea ce invata din acest exemplu.
Circus Manager: How long have you been juggling?
Candidate: Oh, about six years.Manager: Can you handle three balls, four balls, and five balls?
Candidate: Yes, yes, and yes.Manager: Do you work with flaming objects?
Candidate: Sure.Manager: ...knives, axes, open cigar boxes, floppy hats?
Candidate: I can juggle anything.Manager: Do you have a line of funny patter that goes with your juggling?
Candidate: It's hilarious.Manager: Well, that sounds fine. I guess you're hired.
Candidate: Umm...Don't you want to see me juggle?
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